Behind the canvas - a journey into my creative process RSS


I have been struggling for weeks to write this blog. So much has happened since my last blog entry that it makes me think when there is too much to say, nothing seems to want to come out. It is also likely due to the fact that some recent events have been life changing and subject to much reflection.

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Many Voices

Months ago, I applied for a virtual show for emerging artists.  I had forgotten all about it and was only reminded of it when I received a rejection email earlier this week.  The main reason cited was the absence of a theme in my art and how it was important for their clients to recognise the art.  The timing of this response was interesting in itself as a few days earlier, I wrote a post on social media about my “Many Voices”, and the fact that I am really enjoying exploring different dimensions of my art.  I follow many artists on social media and many of them do variations of the same painting, so it seems. It is true, you do...

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When I was a little girl, my mother told me that I always drew the same thing - sunsets.   It was always two mountains with the sun setting in between them and I assume some other details like birds, flowers and who knows, maybe even a few animals.  My mother supposedly decided that she needed to show me how to draw other things, like houses, and so she took it upon herself to show me how to draw different things.     I have been painting a lot of skies recently, including Vacation Bliss and Moving Clouds, and this story came back to me. I love painting skies and 40 years later, I am still doing it, it is...

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Anxious Sky/Ciel anxieux

How do you like the sky in  the painting I used for this post?  Dark, moody perhaps with some fluffy white clouds.   When I started to paint this painting, I decided that I was going to paint an anxious sky.  I wanted  to express my anxiety through my brushes, colours and knives and see what the result would be.

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Demain il fera beau (Tomorrow will be sunny)

I have just finished cancelling all my Christmas and New Year plans - and I am sure that you may have done the same thing in recent days.  Both my sons were in contact with people who were in contact with people who are COVID positive. While it seems like the potential is relatively remote, given the difficulty we are all currently facing to get tested, we are starting our isolation and making sure that we are keeping our loved ones safe. This sucks!  It really does.  Personally, I had come to terms with the that we were going to have to learn to live with this new reality but never would I have thought that we would see such...

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